athens: day five
Final batch of photos from my trip last summer to Athens. We were mostly covering old territory, so these are just snapshots from here and there.
Final batch of photos from my trip last summer to Athens. We were mostly covering old territory, so these are just snapshots from here and there.
We spent our fourth day away from the city on the island of Aegina, to sit by the water, check out some ruins, and do a little exploring. It was a nice change of pace and convinced me that for our next trip to Greece — whenever that is — we are going to have to do some serious island hopping.
On our third day in Athens last summer, we mostly went to museums and wandered around the Psyrri neighborhood of the city. I switched back to black and white film, which I think worked for these compositions.
The Acropolis Museum.
We spent most of our second full day in town trying to see aa many of the tourist sites as we could manage. There was also plenty of walking and observing and eating and drinking. The photos I’m sharing here are from the Agora, the neighborhoods nearby, and the Acropolis.
This one is a nice vista of the city, focused on its highest peak.
For our first international vacation since our honeymoon, my wife and I spent a week in Athens this summer, eating, exploring the city, and doing as much tourist stuff as we could fit into each day. I love spending time in an unfamiliar place and we both had a blast. I, obviously, took a lot of photos. I brought three cameras — one film, two digital — but imposed a few limits on myself to encourage a little creativity. First, I would shoot either color or black and white on each day, never both. And second, I would restrict myself to one focal length as much as possible for the length of a day.
This is all to say that on the first day, I loaded up a roll of Ilford black and white film, slapped a 28mm lens on my Leica, and walked as much of Athens as I could with my wife (with a Rick Steves guide as our companion). When the film ran out, I switched to my digital Leica. Here is a selection of photos from that first day. These, I think, are the clear keepers — or at least, the ones I’m willing to share.
As always, let me know what you think.
Photos from a short trip over the summer.
Camera: Yashica-D. Film: Ilford XP2 Super and Kodak Gold 200.
A few of the keepers from a car show I attended out in Louisa County over the summer.
Camera: Leica M4-P. Lens: Konica M-Hexanon 35mm f/2.0. Film: Kentmere 100.
random items from the first half of the summer
These are photos from a neighborhood in Charlottesville known, unofficially, as “Hogwaller” after the old stockyard that is still standing. I took them using a Yashica-D and Ilford XP2 Super film. I believe I took them on a nice August evening but I honestly don’t remember!
Seen on US-29 going north to Charlottesville.