New Museum

This is a bit of a profile shot of the National Museum of African American History. I took it shortly after the election, during a long walk on the National Mall. One of these days, I'll take that same walk with a wide-angle lens, so I can get a different perspective on the building. For now, I think this shot shows the scale and beauty of the museum. As usual, I used a 6x7 rangefinder and Kodak Tri-X 400, developed by my lab.



Some teenagers were skating in the open space near the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial off of 7th and Pennsylvania. I had my 6x7 rangefinder and asked if I could take their photo. I asked them to look natural. I think this photo came out well. Film was Kodak Tri-X 400, lab developed.


This phone camera isn't half bad

We took a vacation to California wine country for Christmas, and I used the trip as a chance to really use the camera on my iPhone 7 Plus and see how it compares to my "real" digital cameras. The iPhone camera isn't as good as what you would find on, say, a Fuji X100T, but it is good enough. It takes sharp, contrasty photos and lets you edit and share them immediately.

Anyway, here are some of the shots I captured with my iPhone this last week. All were edited in VSCO for iOS.


Golden hour

For many reasons, I spent a lot of time in Charlottesville, Virginia. During my last visit, we visited a few wineries in the county. The weather wasn't great, but at a certain point that afternoon, the light was brilliant. Beams of golden light poured onto the landscape, illuminating everything with their brilliance. I had a camera with me (a Yashica Mat) and so I did what photographers do; I took pictures. The light was still like this when we got back to town, so I walked around and took a few more photos of a nearby convenience store and gas station. The final photo is just of a missing dog sign. I sometimes snap photos of those. I'm not sure why.