So, I'm cheating a bit here. This isn't the first roll of February as much as its the last roll of January, taken at another protest against the Trump administration's travel (read: Muslim) ban. But I sent it to the lab with the February film, so it counts. I shot this on a 6x7 camera, which gives you 10 exposures per roll of film. My goal, with this session, was to capture as many faces as possible. I think I did well, with a series of portraits and crowd shots where faces predominate. The only exception is a photo of an especially creative sign that I couldn't resist.
Of the batch, I'm not sure there's anything in there I'm interested in taking to the darkroom to print. But if you see something you like, leave a note, and I'll get back to you.
Camera: Fuji GW670II. Film: Kodak Tri-X 400. Lab developed.