My cousin got married in October, and my wife and I drove down to Waycross, Georgia to attend the wedding and see family. I bought my Crown Graphic, my Leica, and my digital camera (a Fuji X100F), and used an afternoon to drive around and see if I found anything interesting.
Turns out, I did. Waycross is an old railroad town that, in its heyday, was a bustling, vibrant city. Those days are long past, but you can see remnants in them in structures that retain some of their old glory. These first few photos, to that point, are of an old theater, built in the first half of the 20th century, that has since gone to disrepair. Still, I think its quite beautiful. These two photos were taken on sheets of Provia 100f in 4x5. The scans are good, but they don't do the actual transparencies justice.