in which i go through a lot of trouble just to take a picture

We’ve had our fair share of protests in Charlottesville and rather than photograph them with a digital camera or one of my portable, lightweight film cameras, I have been lugging my Graflex Crown Graphic, a post-war era large format press camera, around town. The process of preparing film (putting each individual sheet into its own film holder, in complete darkness), preparing the camera (measuring light, setting the shutter and the aperture) and actually taking the photo (standing fairly still, using a shutter release cable to avoid any shake), is extremely cumbersome. But the results are good and I want to share them. Let me know what you think.

Production notes: The film is Ilford HP5 Plus and it was developed by Dodge Chrome in Washington D.C.

a few photos from the before times

I wrote about this in a relatively recent newsletter but before the world went to hell, I went up to Boston to check out the festivities around the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre. The piece I planned to write never took shape, but the photos I took came out pretty well. Here were the keepers. The square format photos are from my Yashica Mat, the others are from my Leica.

all of this stuff was taken in march, i think

I shoot around 6 to 8 rolls of film every month, and I’m mostly just photographing every little thing I see. Here are the keepers from mid-March to early-April, all taken on a Yashica Mat 124G.

spring snapshots

Just because we’re all under lockdown doesn’t mean I can’t occasionally wander around and take photos. All taken on an Olympus Stylus Epic using a variety of films.

late night charlottesville

Pretty self-explanatory. Photos from around town, all taken between 11pm and 1am. Like most people, I’ve gotten a little stir-crazy, and these nighttime walks have been very valuable to preserving my sanity. This series will continue beyond these photos, as I attempt to cover more of Charlottesville on foot, camera in tow.


In February, before everything went to hell, I gave a talk in Portland, Oregon. I was there long enough to do a little sightseeing, and spent most of an entire day walking around the city. I took a lot of photos, and here are the ones worth sharing. Film and digital, should be pretty obvious which is which!

out and about

Snapshots from around Charlottesville. No particular theme, just things I thought were visually interesting.