Inspired by Lee Friedlander, taken using a Yashica-D camera. Color photos are Kodak Ektar, black and white are Ilford XP2 Super.
Inspired by Lee Friedlander, taken using a Yashica-D camera. Color photos are Kodak Ektar, black and white are Ilford XP2 Super.
I have exactly one 35mm camera — a Nikon compact from the early 1990s — and I have been using it a ton lately. The fact that there’s not much to do with it other than point and shoot is, at this moment in my life, very appealing. I put a roll of Ilford XP2 Super into it last month and recently got the results back. Here are a few of the keepers.
I actually just finished a roll of color film this week, so I may update this post with a few of those photos when I get the scans back from my lab.
Mostly stuff seen while walking or biking around town.
These first two photos were taken during our brief trip down to South Carolina for the Thanksgiving holiday. We met a guy with a very cool 1950s era Chevy, and he let me take a few photos. I somehow missed focus on the photo of his car, but my photo of him came out pretty well. The second photo is just of a fire hydrant, but it’s a good fire hydrant, I think! I shot both with my Leica M10-D and a 35mm Voigtlander lens.
These next four photos were taken years ago, in 2016, using a Fuji X100T I have long-since sold. I’ve been going back and re-editing old photos, just to see how my current sensibilities fit with my old work. Most of the photos I took back then were pretty bad. But these four are, I think, worth sharing. The original edits were color, and I’ve converted most of these to black and white. The one that I kept in color, I toned down the vibrancy and lifted the shadows.
My latest camera acquisition is a little Nikon point and shoot from the early 1990s. It is pocket-sized with a sharp 28mm len. I consider it a companion of sorts to my Leica M10, something to keep on me when I’m shooting with a digital camera. Anyway, I put a roll through it last month, and these are a few of the keepers. I used Kodak T-Max 400 film.
After scanning roughly two month’s worth of developed negatives, I found that I had only taken four images worth sharing. Here they are, from around town and the surrounding area. They were all taken using a Yashica-D medium format camera. The color photos were taken using Kodak Ektar, the black and white photos using Ilford XP2 Super.
Some quick descriptions.
The first photo is from a recent visit at the Lincoln Memorial. The second is of a re-enactor who was presenting at a festival in Gordonsville, Va. The third is of one of my favorite signs here in Charlottesville, for a convenience store that as far as I can tell does not sell either subs or pizza. And the fourth is of some apples at a local orchard.
You know, I’m always just walking around Charlottesville and taking pictures. Here is the latest batch from the last month or so of walking and living and exploring. I’ve been using a Yashica-D camera and this was Ilford XP2 Super film.
Bought a new camera a little while ago and have been trying to use it as much as possible. Here are some highlights from the last few weeks.
The boy and I went to a few more car shows last month. These are the best photos from both of those outings.
This first batch are digital.
And the rest are on film.
And here is the boy.
A few photos from the recent removal of the Robert E. Lee monument in Charlottesville. Taken using a Leica M10-D and various lenses.