cambridge, uk
I was in Cambridge for a few days in May and managed to take a few photos in-between sessions at the conference I was attending. Here are the keepers.
I was in Cambridge for a few days in May and managed to take a few photos in-between sessions at the conference I was attending. Here are the keepers.
I think this was a roll of Ilford XP2 Super. I shot it on my Leica, as usual, and all of these were taken in places around Charlottesville.
Back in April, my wife and I took a short trip to Savannah, Georgia while my kids were with their grandparents. We did our usual thing: wandered on foot and ate as much as we could. It was a good time and I took my fair share of pictures. These, I think, are the best of the bunch. The square format photos are film (Ilford XP2 Super and Kodak Gold 200) taken on a Yashica-D. Everything else is digital, taken with a Lumix GX8 that met its maker soon after the trip.
These are the keepers from the first roll of film I shot this past April. It was Kodak Gold 200 and I used, as always, my Leica M4-P. The photos are mostly from around Charlottesville but there’s one at the end that I took in Deerfield, Massachusetts. One of the things I was trying to do, with this roll, was play with color blocking, as you’ll see.
I took a very brief trip to New Orleans this past March — for a fun (for me) conference on Reconstruction and constitutional law — and had just enough time to wander and take a few pictures. Here are the frames, which came from most of a roll of Kodak Gold 200 in my Yashica-D. I also had a few snaps with my (now-departed) Lumix GX8.
I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan a little while ago for a panel. I had one free hour to walk around downtown and take a few pictures. Here are the keepers!
The boy and I spent the day in Staunton a few months ago. We visited a museum, had lunch and walked around. It was a good time! Here are the keepers from a roll of film I shot. I believe this was Ilford XP2 Super, taken on a Leica M4-P.
This was a 19th century structure at the Frontier Culture Museum.
The old sanatorium, off limits to the public.
The Staunton courthouse.
The Camera Heritage Museum, which has a massive collection of old cameras and a very…eccentric owner.
The Shenandoah Valley School of the Deaf.
A different angle on the courthouse.
I took all of these on my Crown Graphic with Kodak Ektar film at some point last year, around late October and early November. I forgot about them for a few months, finally got them developed at the start of April and scanned them last week. Out of ten sheets of film, I have five keepers, which isn’t too bad all things considered. Let me know what you think.
I recently used a free Friday to take a drive down to Petersburg, walk around and make a few photos. Here were the keepers.
A few shots from a nighttime walk to and from dinner, from a trip to New York earlier this year. All taken with an Olympus E-P7 and the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f/2.0.