For our first international vacation since our honeymoon, my wife and I spent a week in Athens this summer, eating, exploring the city, and doing as much tourist stuff as we could fit into each day. I love spending time in an unfamiliar place and we both had a blast. I, obviously, took a lot of photos. I brought three cameras — one film, two digital — but imposed a few limits on myself to encourage a little creativity. First, I would shoot either color or black and white on each day, never both. And second, I would restrict myself to one focal length as much as possible for the length of a day.
This is all to say that on the first day, I loaded up a roll of Ilford black and white film, slapped a 28mm lens on my Leica, and walked as much of Athens as I could with my wife (with a Rick Steves guide as our companion). When the film ran out, I switched to my digital Leica. Here is a selection of photos from that first day. These, I think, are the clear keepers — or at least, the ones I’m willing to share.
As always, let me know what you think.