Machiavelli on Renewal

I was flipping through Discourses on Livy while brainstorming a column and I was struck by this passage from Book III, Chapter I.

It is very true that all the things of this world have a limited existence, but those which go through the entire cycle of life ordained for them by heaven are generally those which do not allow their bodies to fall into disorder but maintain them in an orderly way, so that either nothing changes, or if it changes, it is to their welfare, not to their detriment. Since I am speaking of mixed bodies, such as republics and religions, let me say that changes which bring such bodies back to their beginnings are healthy.

The ones that have the best organization and the longest lives are, however, those that can renew themselves often through their own institutions, or that come to such a renewal through some circumstance outside those institutions. And it is clear than light itself that if they do not renew themselves, these bodies will not endure.